Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Google Maps: Pokémon Challenge (Plus a list location for ALL 151 Pokémon!)

It's when Google does something like this that makes me adore the company that much more. As of now users only have until April 2, 2014 at 2:00 PM PDT to capture over 151 Pokémon, which are scattered all over the newest version of Google Maps. As said by Google,

"Dozens of wild Pokémon have taken up residence on streets, amidst forests and atop mountains throughout Google Maps.To catch 'em all, grab your Poké Ball and the newest version of Google Maps for iPhone or Android. Then tap the search bar, "press start," and begin your quest."

Your goal is explore locations using Google Maps to find fill up your Pokédex. Now you can try to find all 150 Pokémon by yourself or you can keep reading as I expose all the locations of every single one.
The list is on the pokemonaprilfools' page and you can get there by clicking here. 
Now what some people don't know is there are 151 Pokémon, not 150. The "one" only appears once you find the other 150 and don't bother looking for a concrete answer as to where this one is. Google Maps will randomly select a location where you found one of the hundred and fifty, and it's there. Oh and I think it's cruel to mention the name of "the one" which is Mew.

I hope this post helped you guys out and used it to impress people that you found all 151 Pokémon. If you guys have ANY questions don't be hesitant to tweet me here or if you just have any tech questions in general! 

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